Here's a truth for you: Writing is a lifelong-learning endeavor. As writers, we should always strive to strengthen our writing, and we can do that by Well, writing Reading - books in the genre(s) you write in, books outside those genres, books on the craft of writing, etc. Connecting with other writers for advice, for an ear to hear your writing woes, and for critiques of your work Subscribing to sites (like BRP!), newsletters, magazines, etc. that provide invaluable knowledge on many aspects of writing Here's another nugget of truth for you: Editing is a lifelong-learning endeavor. As you have learned through this 8-part series, editors tend to be writers, too, and because of that, they are voracious readers. They also connect with other writers (and editors) and subscribe to sites, organizations, and magazines that help them to better their editing craft. While we are working, like writers, to strengthen our talents, we also find our learning through...