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Video: Learn elegant story structure to write a more impactful novel

Are you torn between the possibility of writing a bestselling genre series and the desire to create something wholly original? On one hand, you could follow an established formula, giving readers exactly what they want, or you could take the risk of writing something you feel is new and exciting and trying to find an agent who’ll take it on, or realising you’ll have to self-publish it and find an audience for it after the fact. 

Finding the perfect balance is a challenge many writers face. By visualizing plot points as a framework, you can create a story that resonates with readers, while drawing unique characters each with their own individual journey that keeps your work fresh and exciting.

Need help? 

Make planning (and writing) your novel easy. Grab The Novel Approach Planning Worksheet for just $9 (AU). 

Or join my free Facebook group The Novel Approach for Aspiring Authors.

I’m also running a Novel Planning Intensive every Wednesday in May. You’ll work on your plan before and/or during the session. Every participant will get a chance to ask for advice on any part of their story where they are feeling stuck, or ask questions in general. Observer tickets are also available. Observers will get to see an overview of the Blueprint and how it works, but will leave the call before participants begin sharing. Interested? Contact me through my website for more details.

Elle Carter Neal coaches aspiring authors through planning, writing, and revising through The Novel Approach courses and memberships. She is the author of the middle grade fantasy The Convoluted Key (first in the Draconian Rules series), the picture book I Own All the Blue, and teen science-fantasy novel Madison Lane and the Wand of Rasputin (first in the Grounded series). Elle is based in Melbourne, Australia. Find her at

Author photo by Amanda Meryle Photography
