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The Best of Shelley Thrasher

For the first and last weeks of our December break this year we are show-casing the posts of some of our former contributors, from the earliest days of the Blood-Red Pencil. Enjoy.

Shelley Thrasher wrote for the Blood-Red Pencil in 2008 and 2009. Shelley has a PhD in English and has been an editor since 2004. As an author, she has published three novels and a book of poetry.

Shelley has traveled extensively through Europe and the Middle East, studying German near Munich, hitchhiking to Greece, Poland, and Iraq, and studying Hebrew on a kibbutz in Israel. This native Texan has resettled in her home state with her wife Connie and their two dogs, cat, and parrot.

Shelley's books

New Orleanian suffragist Jacqueline drove an ambulance on the battlefields of Europe during the Great War. She returns home and finds herself isolated in rural East Texas, keeping house for her war-hero husband as she awaits his promised divorce and plans her escape. But then she meets Molly.

Paris, 1972. Frenchwoman Eva wants to pass her bar exams and get a job as an attorney, but she's working as a tour guide to pay off debts. American beauty Brigitte wants to find a new home in Paris and forget her past that haunts her. Though the beauty of Paris and the magic of its rich feminist culture draws them closer, a secret from Brigitte's past threatens to destroy their chance for a future together. Can their fragile love flourish in the City of Light?

Bree and Linda have sacrificed their personal lives for career and family. Now, in her late sixties, Bree is forced to return to her hometown in East Texas, where she begins to discover things about herself she has refused to acknowledge for fifty years. Will she and Linda have the courage to claim the type of life they've never allowed themselves to embrace?

Shelley's articles at the Blood-Red Pencil

Empty Fillers
Does An Editor Need An Editor?
Using Commas with Adjectives
The Spice of Variety
Far Out
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah
What's in a Name?
Tired or Fresh?
Meet the Editor: Shelley Thrasher
Ask the Editor - The Dreaded Semicolon
Ask the Editor - Sex Scenes in a Romance Novel

Connect with Shelley Thrasher on Facebook
