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Exploring: New Books for Writers

While cruising through the upcoming releases on writing-related topics at, I found these new books of interest:

1. The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English by Roy Peter Clark. Little, Brown & Company, August, 2010. New York Times Book Review.

2. The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating Content for the Digital World. St. Martin's Griffin, July 2010.

"The rapid growth of the Web has meant having to rely on style guides intended for print publishing, but these guides do not address the new challenges of communicating online. From Yahoo!, a leader in online content and one of the most visited Internet destinations in the world, comes the definitive reference on the essential elements of Web style for writers, editors, bloggers, and students."
3. The Complete Handbook Of Novel Writing: Everything You Need to Know About Creating & Selling Your Work. Writers Digest Books (2nd edition), August 2010.

"In The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, 2nd Edition, you’ll learn from the invaluable advice of established writers. Discover new ways to generate ideas, implement intriguing techniques, and find the inspiration you need to finish your work. This fully-revised edition includes a revamped marketing section that covers the unique challenges of today’s publishing market and the boundless opportunities of online promotion."
4. Crafting The Personal Essay: A Guide for Writing and Publishing Creative Non-Fiction by Dinty W. Moore. Writers Digest Books, September 2010.

"This book shows you how to write nine different types of personal essays, including: the Contemplative Essay; the Memoir Essay; the Lyric Essay; the Nature Essay; the Travel Essay; the Spiritual Essay; the Gastronomical Essay; and the Humor Essay. In addition, the book features examples from various essay types, instructional exercises, techniques for revising, and information on where and how to publish finished essays."
5. Will Write for Food: The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks, Blogs, Reviews, Memoir, and More by Diane Jacob. DeCapo Lifelong Books (2nd edition), July 2010.

"In the newly revised and updated edition of Will Write for Food, I cover the most popular genres of food writing including: cookbooks, recipes, memoir, fiction, culinary travel, restaurant reviews, and a large new chapter on food blogging—a phenomenon now reaching millions of readers. Chapters, complete with skill exercises, cover everything from freelancing and writing pitch letters to constructing the perfect cookbook and enhancing blog posts with photography."
We're always looking for new books on writing. If you've found a new release in your bookstore or library, please leave a comment and tell us about it.


Patricia Stoltey is a mystery author, blogger, and critique group facilitator. Active in promoting authors in several genres, she also helps local unpublished writers learn the critical skills of manuscript revision and self-editing. For information about Patricia’s Sylvia and Willie mystery series, visit her website and her blog. You can also find her on Facebook (Patricia Stoltey) and Twitter (@PStoltey).

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  1. Thanks for the list of great resources. Have a great day.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Lou and Alex.

    And to everyone who can't justify buying a bunch more books on writing, consider asking your library to order one or more of these newer releases. My library system has been very responsive to patron requests.

  3. Cool resources; thanks. I like The Glamor of Grammar (the title and the way the actual book sounds).

    But I came over because Dani said there would be swearing here today. Was she lying? Was that just a hook to entice us?

  4. Thanks for the list of books. The one from Yahoo really caught my attention as we need to learn the formatting requirements for all things digital. It is not the same as for paper, which a lot of authors are discovering as they try to publish e-books.

  5. I'm glad some of these titles seem useful. Like Maryann, I'm getting very interested in all things related to digital publishing. Even signed up for a three-hour workshop in November.

    And Robin, stay alert. The posts with all the bad words are on the way (but I'll have to ask Dani when they're scheduled). :)

  6. Yes! Thank you for another timely and informative post.

    The Yahoo book looks particularly interesting.


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