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Thank You, Internet Friends

Thanks, Internet Friends!
If I'm at home alone, I don't have to feel lonely. That's because with a few clicks of the keyboard, I can connect with friends I know and those yet to be discovered.

Because this is a month for giving thanks, I thought I'd offer a huge thank you to my many friends on the Internet. Whether they be in e-groups, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media, I can't begin to count how many wonderful people I've met and bonded with.

Some are writers who not only share their journeys to and after publication, but also bits and pieces of what's happening in their personal lives. From connecting with my writing friends I've learned so much more about the publishing world than I ever would have figured out on my own.

I've also gained friendships with those who appreciate writers and books, and are all too happy to offer encouragement and praise, often when it's badly needed.

On the Internet, I can read a hodgepodge of my friends' lives, including pictures of children, grandchildren and other family members, and share in the personal events of their lives. I fawn over photos of the cutest pets alive, and appreciate marvelous depictions of nature at its finest.

Intermingled with such personal events, are the professional milestones of my writing friends, such as new projects, book covers, contracts, book signings and appearances.

On a sad note, I also commiserate when tragedy befalls any of my friends. All too often I shed tears when I hear of the trials and deaths of their loved ones, not only human, but sometimes pets.

My life is richer because of all of you. Thank you, my Internet Friends, far and wide, from so many corners of the globe, for allowing me into your worlds!
It Goes Without Saying, but I Will Anyway
I'm Also Thankful For Friends and Family Outside
the Internet And Opportunities, such as Thanksgiving, When I
Can Share Life's Blessings!
Morgan Mandel
Morgan Mandel is a past president of Chicago-North RWA,
and prior Library Liaison for Midwest Mystery Writers of America.

Her recent release is the humorous romance, Her Handyman
Coming Soon: Blessing or Curse, a romantic compilation

Morgan's Mandel's Amazon Central Author Page:


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  1. The Internet, indeed, has changed the face of communication and the circle of friendships -- which can now literally encompass the world. It has opened doors and closed gaps, reached out and invited in, extended opportunities and reduced distances. You are so right, Morgan, we need never again be lonely -- even if we're home alone.

  2. Our readers may not realize that many of the contributors here at the BRP have never met face to face, either! I think "internet + writing" is such a great way to connect, since our shared passion gives us a way to open up to one another. Good post, Morgan!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Surfing the 'net is like wandering through a strange city late at night ... there are some dark and scary streets and alleyways (Socially Awkward is located at the end of one of those), and there are brightly lit avenues, pulsating with life and interesting establishments ... and everything in between ... you just never know what the heck you're going to find. Anyway, glad I ambled down the street where BRP is located ... it's like a nice little rare book store full of helpful and knowledgeable folks (I could have used one to proof read that first post ... sheeesh.

    mmmmmmm ... turkey!

  5. Yes, it's greatto have so many great friends without even leaving the house!

    Morgan Mandel
    Twitter: @MorganMandel

  6. I honestly don't know if I would be as sane as I am without internet friends. I know I would never have gotten a book published going it alone. Good post!

  7. What a great way to point out the importance of all our relationships-- professional, social and personal. Eloquently stated, Morgan. Thank you!

  8. There is something to be said for our Internet friends keeping us sane, also for offering great advice!

    Morgan Mandel

  9. Very well said, Morgan. Thanks for the synopsis of why we love our internet friends. I don't mean to take anyone for granted--so here's to you, my internet friend.

  10. The Internet happened so fast and we all adjusted to it. It's difficult to remember the time before it. I'm very glad we don't have to. I'm with you on how big of a difference it's made in my life!

  11. I feel exactly the same, Morgan. Love my Internet friends and feel I know them.

  12. I'm amazed that some people in my age group don't make an effort to go online. They don't know what they're missing. It would sure make a difference in their lives, especially the lonely ones.

    Morgan Mandel
    Twitter: @MorganMandel

  13. The Internet is such a remarkable source of friendship with people I would never have met otherwise. They come from as nearby as my home state and as far away as India, and--maybe I'm just really lucky--are with rare exceptions bright and good people. Reaching out used to be so much harder. As a youngster I had a couple of pen pals, which involved handwritten letters or postcards and very long delays. But soon I outgrew that and only had friends in and around my hometown. Now the Internet has changed all that, and I see clearly how much people have in common no matter where we live on this planet.

    It's one more thing to be thankful for.

  14. I never did the pen pal thing, which is just as well. Now, I hate writing with a pen because I'm so used to typing.

    Morgan Mandel

  15. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Morgan! I also love the internet for the windows and doors it opens, and I feel blessed for the new friendships here.


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